C Y6 21/22

Hello Year 6,

If you are absent, I hope you are feeling okay. If you are not well the first thing I want you to do is concentrate on feeling better. 

If you feel well enough to work please ask your parent to email me on covid19glovatt@ctkcc.co.uk and I can update Class Dojo with some work for you linked to what we are doing in class.

As I will be in class, my response may not be immediate but I will get back to you. 

You can also access any of the following while you are waiting and the passwords should be in your diaries (but if you have not got them drop me an email and I will send them to your parent email). TTRS  Purple Mash  Oak National BBC Bitesize

I hope you feel better soon and am looking forward to seeing you in school when you are back.

Miss Lovatt