‘By following in the footsteps of Jesus,

we are making the heart, mind and spirit soar’

Our actions and words of today are the footprints of our future.


Our Latest Achievement 

Congratulations Year 5 and 6 who came in FIRST place in the T T Rock online times tables competition for UKS2. 

For more of our amazing maths events/achievements, scroll to the bottom of our page!


 Simply, we want all children to achieve, to experience their own level of success and to enjoy Maths. In order to do this, we aim to ensure all children are learning with their peers through the same curriculum lessons. We encourage all children to present a positive attitude towards Maths. 


We are able to show success in our implementation as we can see:

  • Children who enjoy and access their Maths lessons regardless of ability
  • Knowledge being maintained from year to year
  • Children who are fluent with number facts

Click on link for each year group to see the end of year expectations: 

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

The skills that are taught in Mathematics, in each area, follow a progression throughout the year groups.

Click below to see:

Place value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


Ratio and Proportion



Geometry - properties of shape

Geometry - position and direction



Our Maths Curriculum follows a mastery approach, which embeds fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.

We use a flexible, multi-scheme approach including elements of White Rose Maths, Power Maths, TTRS and NCETM schemes of work because we are aware that all children learn in different ways and at different speeds.

Combining a range of approaches within our Maths Curriculum enables a greater equality for all and encourages better progress for all learners. Our intention is for all pupils to take part in whole-class lessons wherever possible.

Our Maths lessons are designed through using the notion of 'intelligent practice'. This ensures that children's learning is continually scaffolded and challenged appropriately. Tasks designed using intelligent practice ensure that children are flexible in their thinking. Those children who go onto explore wider mathematical concepts do so by accessing 'challenges'. These challenges are designed to ensure that pupils 'go deeper' with their learning, through reasoning and problem solving. 

Our Maths curriculum is designed to ensure that there is clear progression year by year. The curriculum is also designed to ensure that Maths concepts are embedded into children’s long term memory. We ensure that concepts are explored deeply and our Long Term Plan is carefully designed in order to ensure that the new learning children gain, builds upon previous knowledge. The Maths long-term plan is also sequenced carefully to ensure that units taught are done so coherently. The careful design of our long-term plans ensures that pupil's long term knowledge is consolidated

Mastery Mathematics

At St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School, we believe that all children can succeed in Maths and that everyone should have a positive mind-set towards the subject. In order to achieve this, we feel that teaching in a mastery approach will best support our children's attainment and attitude. 

Below are some more reasons why we use this mastery approach:

  • There is an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.
  • Pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace.
  • Differentiation is achieved by challenging deep knowledge and understanding and through individual support and intervention.
  • Teaching is underpinned by methodical curriculum design and supported by carefully crafted lessons and resources to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge.
  • Carefully designed variation, builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts. 

Foundation Stage:

Teachers plan using the new EYFS Early Adopter Curriculum, Power Maths and NCETM materials where appropriate. The children's achievements are highlighted on their work immediately if appropriate. Practical activities and observations are recorded on the Evidence Me software. Click here to view the EYFS Maths Mastery curriculum.

Maths Achievements and Events!

Year 4 2020-21 TTRS - November 2020

An amazing team effort resulted in this marvellous Year 4 class being crowned TTRS champions out of the whole of Stoke-on-Trent!

Year 6 2021-22 TTRS - October 2021

Battling through a week with technological difficulties, it is a great achievement for the Y6 class to come 6th in the whole of Stoke-on-Trent. 

Digit Day - Friday 4th February 2022

Today, St Thomas Aquinas held its very first Digit Day. All the children came dressed in mathematical-themed outfits and spent the day solving Mr Washington's challenges, creating and playing maths-based games and competing in the NSPCC TTRS competition. Well done to everyone for helping to raise money and the profile of such a great subject! 

Census Day - Thursday 18th March 2021

We counted our favourite colours, crisp flavours, fruit and animals. We recorded them in different ways including tally charts and bar charts.

Year 5 2021-22 TTRS - November 2021

Unfortunately, last year's champions couldn't hold onto their reign but they still remain in the top 5 of Stoke-on-Trent which is a great result. 

Year 4 2021-22 TTRS - February 2022

Maintaining last year's record, this year's Year 4 class again reign supreme over the whole of Stoke-on-Trent! 

Year 3 2021-22 TTRS - March 2022

Taking part in their first city-wide competition, Year 3 made a memorable entry into the world of TTRS by finishing second! Keep it up for next year!

Year 2 2021-22 TTRS - June 2022

Our KS1 children in Year 2 were inspired by the KS2 competitions throughout the year and worked incredibly hard to finish as the third best school in the city!