Welcome to Year 2's Class Page!  

Important Information 

Curriculum Overview

Termly Topic Plans



Parent information





We now know that the Church carries on Jesus' work of healing through the Sacrament of the Sick and it is a special celebration for people who are ill. We had the opportunity to work in partners and act out the Anointing of the Sick. We were very reverent! 


In RE, we have been listening to many of Jesus' parables from the Bible. We particularly enjoyed discovering the message that Jesus taught us in the  "Parable of the Talents". This parable allowed us to reflect on our own talents.

We enjoyed planning and delivering our own collective worship on the "Parable of the Talents". It was lovely to hear all of the talents that we have in Year 2! We thank God for the talents that we have and we promise to always try our best in everything that we do. 



Rent a Beast

As part of our Science unit, we have been learning about what all animals, including humans need to survive. Miss Coxon, Mrs Wiggins and Mrs McDade challenged us to look after an African land snail! We made sure the snails had water, food and some of us were even brave enough to hold them. Carrie from Rent a Beast was very impressed with us and showed us one of her g i a n t snails. 

African drumming workshop 

Our Topic this term is 'Amazing Africa' and we had a very talented visitor to come into school who taught us an African song, dance and how to play many African instruments. We even had the opportunity to wear African clothes - we loved the African colours and patterns! To conclude our workshop, we performed our new skills in front of our families and the whole school!

What an extraordinary experience we have had! 

Circus skills

Thank you Bee Active for providing us with a fun filled enrichment session. We loved learning many circus skills and loved dressing up too!


Our Nativity 

We were all superstars in our Christmas nativity and we really enjoyed retelling the Christmas story. Can we do it again? 

Extraordinary Experiences 

We planned our very own KS1 Christmas party and we had a fantastic time!

We also used our speaking, listening and team work skills and played a variety of board games. What an "Extraordinary Experience" we had! 


Educational Visit

We had a fantastic opportunity at Wedgwood Museum! We created our own pot on the 'potters wheel'. We can't wait to paint them when they are ready to collect!

In November, we remember.


Space Week 

To celebrate 'Space Week',  we used metallic paint and marbles to create our very own planet. We were then challenged in English, to write a description of our planet. 

In Science, we took part in 'Rocket Mice'. We chose to investigate which size bottle would get the (paper) mice closer to space! We even took our mice home to show our families what we did. 


On Friday 4th October, we took part in our first Key Stage liturgy of the academic year! We celebrated the feast day of St Francis and devoted most of our liturgy to Our Mother, Mary. We all had a very special part to play. During reflection, we placed our own prayer that we created to ask Mary to pray for others. As you can see we created our very own rosary. Our teachers were very proud of how reverent we were! 


Collective Worship 

We planned and delivered our own collective worship. We decided to focus on the story of Noah's Ark because we enjoyed learning about this story in our RE lessons. We enjoyed making our very own rainbow to represent God's promise. 


In Maths, we impressed our teachers by demonstrating our excellent place value knowledge. 


In English, we are focusing on the traditional tale of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We asked Miss Coxon what would happen to the gingerbread man if he swam in the river.  We were very excited when Miss Coxon, Mrs Wiggins and Mrs McDade gave us the chance to put gingerbread men into different substances - we could not believe our eyes!