Welcome to Year 3

Spring Term

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to the members of Year 3 who received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Thursday  5th March at Our Lady of the Angels & St. Peter in Chains. 

The children received the sacrament with reverence and respect.

Thank you to all members of the school and parish who prepared the children for the Sacrament.

World Book Day

During World Book day we took part in lots of different activities from writing Journey stories to watching the live show on the Puffin website to visiting the book fair and listening to a super story! We loved dressing up as our favourite book characters.        Can you guess who we are?

Magnetic or non-magnetic?

Year 3 have been investigating magnetic and non-magnetic materials, we loved being ‘Magnetic Detectives’.

Information Texts

 We have been learning about ‘skimming and scanning’ a piece of text. Have a look at what we produced with our new skills.

Pushes & Pulls

We have been investigating if these toys work with a push or pull force.

Volcano painting

We thoroughly enjoyed painting our volcanoes already for the great eruption.


We have been learning about the push and pull force.

Collective Worship 

St Patrick's team led a beautiful Collective Worship. We discussed the statement from the bible “Love one another as I have loved you” and talked about what we can learn from this. As it was St. Valentine’s day, the children thought about the people we love and why we love them. 

 Compost Bins

We created our own mini compost bins, we were super surprised to see some compost start sprouting!

Map sketching

Today we sketched a map based on the route we walked up to Hartshill Road. Pupils did a great job at recognising landscape features from our walk.

A Walk in the Park

We thoroughly enjoyed a walk in our local environment as part of our 'Whole School Local Area Study'. We found out some interesting facts about our area and thoroughly enjoyed developing our map reading skills too!

Class Assembly

We absolutely loved researching other religions for our class assembly that we linked to celebrate World Religion Day.

Fossil Rubbings

Have a look at our fantastic fossil rubbings!

Autumn Term

Gathering Bags

As part of our D&T topic linked to the Stone Age we have designed, printed and sewn our very own 'Hunter-gatherer' bags. 

Christmas Cards

We really enjoyed making a pop up Christmas card.

Collective Worship

St Andrew's team planned and delivered a wonderful Collective worship pf the theme of Advent.

Physical Movement & Relaxation 

We have thoroughly enjoyed participating in these sessions during our PE lessons, We found that these have improved our flexibility, balance and posture and  can hold the positions for a longer period of time now.

Cave Paintings

We used our fingers to create fabulous Cave paintings, we thoroughly enjoyed doing this.

Collective Worship

St David's team planned, led and delivered a thoughtful Collective Worship on the theme of Remembrance. We have been reflecting on Remembrance Day and took part in a minutes silence. 

Physical Movement & Relaxation 

We have been taking part in some physical movement and relaxation during our PE lessons, look at some of the stretches and shapes we can do.

Stone Age Workshop

As part of our exciting topic, ‘Stone & Bones'’, Year 3 took part in a ,fantastic workshop day led by one of our Stone Age ancestors! During this visit, the Palaeolithic Stone Age man arrived, wearing  garments made from red deer skin, and carrying his spears as he did alongside his fellow hunter-gatherers around 10000 BC!

During the workshop the children learnt,  how to aim a spear and get a hands-on experience of ancient technology and skills from the Paleolithic period of the Stone Age right through to the Iron Age. We all had a fabulous day and gained lots of knowledge and experience from the workshop.

Collective Worship

St. George's team planned, led and delivered a fabulous Collective Worship dedicated to Our Lady. 

In RE we have been learning about Baptism. We have been learning about the important symbols and signs used in a Baptism and about the Rite of Baptism. 


As part of our text 'The Stone age Boy' we roleplayed a possible conversation between the two main characters as if they could understand each other. 


We have been ordering and comparing 3 digit numbers.

Collective Worship

We planned and delivered our first collective worship about the Call of the disciples we also discussed how we are disciples of Christ.


We are thoroughly enjoying learning new skills and techniques in hockey.

Class Assembly

We delivered an assembly about the importance of belonging to different groups, the most important belonging to the family of God.


In Maths, we have been learning about the place value of three digit numbers. today we have been representing numbers up to 1000 using base ten equipment and linking it to the part-whole model.