Welcome to Year 4

Our Class Saint is St. Teresa of Calcutta

Saint Teresa of Calcutta Icon

Whole Year Information

Long Term Plan                                                                                                           Year 4 Expectations


Topic Web

Following in the footsteps of Jesus

At the beginning of the year we helped design two pieces of art and writing to go on a new display sharing some major events in the life of Jesus. We contributed with the Nativity story and Jesus Lost in the Temple. 


To start our magnificent year of Maths, Y4 have learnt about the place value of 4-digit numbers. We have compared, ordered, represented and identified so many numbers! 

We then worked on adding and subtracting these 4-digit numbers. We have become experts of columnar calculations. 


Year 4 have been continuing to practise their ukulele's this year and are thoroughly enjoying their ambitious target of playing a full song. 


Our first unit in Year 4 was a wonderful poetry unit! We learnt about figurative language and wrote our own ideas for coming to school and turned them into wonderful poems. 

Another of our marvellous English units this term has been writing and then performing play scripts. We learnt all about scene descriptions, dialogue and stage directions. 
For our big write this term everyone in school drafted a speech. Linking to Parliament Week, we chose topics that would be discussed in the House of Commons. Year 4 debated whether you should delete your online accounts if you are being cyber-bullied. 

Art and Design & Technology

Our first art unit has involved us mastering our drawing and sketching skills by adding shading to facial features. To conclude we looked at the artistic stylings of Picasso and used our facial feature skills to replicate some of his art. I think we may have the next cubist in our own classroom!

Mary's Birthday

We came together to celebrate the birth of Our Lady by creating a piece of art and sharing a collective worship. 


 Year 4 have started their 30 weeks of swimming this term and are loving every second! 

We have also had the opportunity to work with Sam from Bee Active to improve our gymnastics skills. 

Dudson Centre Trip

On the 4th of November, Year 4, alongside Year 5, went on an incredible free school trip! We were lucky enough to receive an offer to visit the Dudson Centre Museum, thanks to the National Heritage Funding. This centre, containing the best preserved bottle kiln in the city is celebrating its 150th Birthday this year and is holding a special event later this month. Please check their website and encourage anyone you know to visit and support this local museum. https://dudsoncentre.org.uk/ 

On our trip, we met Mrs Potts who taught us so much about the origins of the Dudson pottery firm and showed us around the beautiful museum. Afterwards, we designed a quarter-plate and used a series of mirrors to see what our full plates would look like. We evaluated our designs and then traced our favourite into all four quarters of our final plates. 

The children's behaviour was exemplary and commented upon by all adults at the musuem.

We are incredibly proud of you all! 

Design and Technology

As part of our Egyptian's unit, we created some craft modelling sculptures of pyramids, Egyptian housing, canopic jars and other artefacts. 


Our excellent electricity unit has involved us creating circuits and testing different items to find out if they are insulators or conductors. 

Another lesson involved us creating our own switches and identifying that when a switch was 'off' or 'open' it created a gap in the circuit which resulted in the light bulb not lighting up. 


In class, our first unit looked at the Creation story and how we are made in the image and likeness of God. We then learnt about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. To conclude our second unit, learning about the Rosary, we shared with the whole school in our assembly. All children were reverent and prophetic, making beautiful reflections after the worship. 


This half term, we have started our journey into the world of Year 4 coding. If we want to carry on our journey at home, we can access https://scratch.mit.edu/ to practise at home.

Next, we became world class animators! Using 2Animate on Purple Mash, we learnt about the Onionskin tool and how to change our frames so subtly that it looked like continuous movement. 

Art and Design & Technology

In the final week of 2021, we have worked on lots of different designing skills. First we created a digital media net of a Christmas Jumper! We then printed these and created a 3D structure. Lots of us had never done something so fiddly before! Our fingers definitely ended up all sticky but we absolutely love our products. 

Finally, we created a Christmassy scene and used electronics to transform our product into a light up image. 


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Year 4!


Topic Web

Prime VR Experience

To kick start our new topic all about Romans we had the amazing Prime VR team in to engage in a fully immersive and interactive 360 degree imaging and video software! We were absolutely amazed by the depictions of the Ancient Roman housing and landmarks. As you can tell from the noise in our video, we LOVED IT!!!

Our second unit in Science was all about States of Matter! We loved learning about particles in solids, liquids and gasses. Three of our favourite sessions included melting solids into liquids (and then putting melted chocolate onto a cake!), identifying that gasses have a weight (by flattening lots of fizzy drinks!) and then learning how water can be in all states and the processes by which it changes (which ended in a quiz hunt in the hall!)


Year 4 have been continuing to boss their basketball skills! They have perfected passing and are working on their delicate dribbles. We thank Bee Active for their wonderful support in teaching these skills to our children.

Roman Experience Chester Trip

Year 4 were phenomenal on our class trip, which, let's not forget, included a 5 hour journey home! In the gallery below, you can see how we explored the ancient Roman city of Dewa and marched and chanted around the city scaring all the locals/tourists. Lupus, our legionnaire, was so impressed with our class's determination and order.

The first of two slideshows shares the rebellious, dogged-determination our Year 4 gladiators had in the life-like museum where we learnt about Ancient Roman life, bathing, the invasions of Britain and entertainment. In comparison, the final slideshow demonstrates how angelic they all are really with their amazing smiles on our delayed return home. 

Year 4, you do make us proud. 


This half term, we have been learning about the digestive system. We tried to position each part of the digestive system within our bodies before learning their scientific names and their purposes. In order to identify the processes which occur in each part, we completed an orienteering course around the school grounds. 


Topic Web

Our Assembly dedicated to Mary.

During the month of May, we dedicated our assembly to Our Lady, Mary. We took part in the Mission Together challenge of saying a decade of the Rosary each day for week. Year 4 were clear and confident delivering their assembly and the whole school learnt lots of new information about Mary. 


To practise our printing skills, Year 4 have researched, designed and then printed Roman Mosaics. We based our designs on the two most common themes in Roman mosaics, Nature and War!


In our session with Bee Active, we harnessed our tennis skills and quite a few of us became experts at hand-eye co-ordination tasks. 


We took part in a collaboration with Digital School House this term and they taught us so many new skills using Scratch Online. This session definitely inspired some of the children to think about a future in STEM industries. 

British Science Week

The theme of this year's BSW was Growth and Year 4 had the specific theme of Carbon Footprints. We completed a range of activities and investigations including how to reduce water consumption, the importance of making do and mending when it comes to clothes, identifying the food miles in our favourite meals and working out carbon emissions in transport. We hope you enjoy our activities below and our final presentations. 

Jubilee Celebrations
Year 4 have had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen’s platinum Jubilee!
The children came into school wearing either red, white and blue and all looking great! Throughout the day we have been doing lots of different sports and craft activities, we also had a special party lunch. Click on the photos below to reveal the next photo of our celebrations!



When learning about the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples at Pentecost, we acted out an interview scene with Peter and John. 

On the 10th Tuesday of Ordinary Time, we had a LKS2 Mass. We had some new readers who really impressed everyone involved. 

Saint John Fisher Trip

Year 4 had a marvellous day impressing the high school teachers with their amazing scientific skills and love for languages! They even found time to work on their fitness at the fantastic facilities on the yard. 

Year 4, 5 and 6 Mass

This half term we enjoyed a lovely mass celebrating St Irenaeus, the Doctor of Unity. it was a lovely mass and especially lovely as our wonderful parishioners could also join us for the celebration. 


To start our science unit all about sound, we investigated the different way that vibrations can make sound. 

Our second lesson looked at the relationship between volume and the size of vibrations (amplitutde). Sorry if your ears hurt!
Our next lesson looked at pitch. After investigating with a glockenspiel, tuning forks and rulers we concluded that the shorted the object the higher the pitch would be.