C Year 2  2020-21


Hi Year 2! 

Sadly, we have had to go into another national lockdown, so you will be completing work at home for a little while. 

I have emailed you with all of your login details for Class  Dojo, Purple Mash and Timetable Rockstars/Numbots.

Each day, please go on to Class Dojo to access your lessons/work for the day. 

If you are unwell, need any support or would like to say hello, please email me or send me a message on class dojo. 

 I can't wait for us all to be reunited, when it is safe to do so.

Continue to keep safe, stay positive, aim high and shine very brightly! 

Miss Coxon 



Click here to view the Remote Learning Timetable for Year 2 

Information to support the Remote Learning Timetable 

Daily Maths lessons using  White Rose Maths

You will find daily videos to help support learning in Maths on class dojo and on the weekly timetable below. 

The worksheets are on class   dojo and I will mark these just like I would in class. 

Daily English lessons

You will find your daily English lesson on class dojo.  

If you need to record your learning you will find the worksheet on class dojo. If the lesson is practical you can also send me a picture showing me what you have done or send me a message telling me about your lesson and what you enjoyed. 


Class Dojo

You have been accessing our class dojo homework throughout the year so far. Please continue to use this resource. There will now be daily updates for you to work through. 


TimeTable Rockstars

 TTrockstars is a programme that enables you to practice your times tables. In Year 2, children are expected to know their two, five, ten and three times tables. 

Click here to access the website.



NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. You can access this using the same website login as Timetable Rockstars.

Purple Mash

We now have a school subscription with Purple Mash. This week I will send you your login details.

You will be able to see below if I have set you and work on Purple Mash.

Click here for the website



I encourage you to read each day. I will set you a weekly reading challenge that you can view either on Purple Mash or class dojo. Your reading challenge will support both of your reading and comprehension skills. 

In addition to this, you could also access FREE e-books via the below website below.

Click here to view Oxford Owl book banded books. 


Story Time

Ask an adult or older sibling to read you a story. You could even make your own story star and ask your story teller to wear it when they read to you - just like I do when I am in school. 

Daily Phonics

Use one of the below videos each day to reinforce set 3 sounds and support your child with both their reading and writing. 

ALL SOUNDS (2.19minutes reinforces set 2 and 3 sounds)

a-e sound       ai sound

ea sound          ire sound

u-e sound          are sound

i-e sound        tious sound

ear sound          ue sound

au sound        o-e sound

kn sound         e-e sound

ph sound        ew sound

Phonics Screening Check

Daily Practise

After your daily phonics session using the video, continue to practise reading nonsense words using the phonics play website.

Click here for to play the

interactive games. Remember to

click on revise all phase 5. 

Collective Worship

Ten Ten daily resource 

 In school, we use the TenTen collective worship resources after lunch. Please follow the PowerPoint with your child and you can access this by looking at the RE section in the weekly timetable below. 

Please also visit our Catholic Life page.



Please spend some time each day to complete some physical activities:

Focused PE lessons 

African dance

Throwing and Catching activities 

Throwing and Catching linking to dodgeball (we would have done this with Jake from Bee Active last half term)


Lessons to revisit gymnastic skills from Autumn term 

Balancing lesson 

Exploring travel

Exploring linking balancing and rolls

Intermediate balances 



Mindfulness daily activity 

Last half term, we looked at the meaning of mindfulness and how we can be mindful. 

Click here to view the PowerPoint that we looked and discussed together.

Enjoy selecting a mindful activity for YOU to do each day! 





We are continuing our Statistics unit this week by looking at Picyograms and Block Graphs. 





 Focused text: The slightly annoying elephant

Written by David Williams 


Weekly Spellings

View your spellings on class dojo. You can use different media to do this.

Challenge: You could even put your spellings into a super sentence. Remember your punctuation.


We are now in the seasons of Lent

and we will be creating our own

Lenten promises and promises. 




You will have the opportunity to attend a LIVE zoom session and ask and answer questions to the animal man! I wonder what animals we will see...







You will be making an African necklace with Mrs McNicholas. How exciting!