Hi Year 4, 

I hope you are all well. It is with regret that we have to return to home learning.  

Below you will find a timetable for your work. Please bear with us while we set up the activities for these sessions. While we make these, you can still access all the learning below the timetable. If you need any support, please let me know via my covid email address. 


Weekly Update

White Rose Maths

 Please find below the videos to help support your child’s learning.

Click here to watch the daily video links 

The worksheets are on class dojo and I will mark these just like I would in class. 


Read Theory 

 Please ensure you are reading every day. You can continue to fill in your school diary and send a picture on your class dojo portfolio. Here is a reminder of the Read Theory website.   


Class Dojo

Your child has been accessing our class dojo homework throughout the year so far. Please continue to use this resource. There will now be daily updates for you to work through. 


While we are not expecting the national times tables testing at the end of the academic year anymore, they are still a vital skill for your future Mathematics education. Please continue to practise your times tables every day. 


Purple Mash

There will be activities set on purple mash. If you complete them all, or they haven't been updated just yet, please feel free to access all of the activities we have access to. 


Below are some links to sheets and websites which can be completed to supplement the activities above. I have updated many of the below sections as well as adding new games and links! 


Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica!

Below is a link to a game on BBC Bitesize which applies all areas of Maths. (It's supposedly for Year 6 but I thought you'd like to give it a go.)


I See Maths

This is another website that offers free daily lessons and worksheets to complete. There is also information for your parents and if you wish you can catch up on the sessions that have already taken place.


Maths Mats

 Here are 6 maths mats, which are like weekly skills checks, that can help to develop your overall maths skills. 

1     2     3     4     5     6



Instead of drawing a picture the below website provides a different picture every day which you can base a piece of writing on. You may be a character in the picture who writes a diary or letter. Remember to use all of our Y4 Key Writing Skills.



This website is a little like Pobble but as well as offering great writing opportunities it suggests some different reading activities as well. 




 Here are the SPAG mats for this half term, which we would have completed on a Thursday. Try to use all of your previous knowledge to answer the questions. 


1     2     3     4     5     6  

Online Spellings

The below link is to a website filled with activities to practise your spelling/word understanding and use. 



Use this link to find a daily poem. Simply listening to poetry each day has proven to improve vocabulary and imagination. 


Author Challenges

Here is a link to a series of challenges given to you by real authors! They share a bit of their own book and then ask you to complete a challenge based on their stories. See if you can find an author you already know!



Click on the link below for Dr. Chip's daily dose of Science, Engineering and Computing. If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel  



Let’s Go Live Science with Maddie Moate and Greg Foot 

Talking about Science and Nature with a theme each week. If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.


This calendar will tell you which part of the Liturgical Year we are in. 


Think about which Bible stories are related to this time of year. Take on the role of one of the characters and think about how the experiences have effected them. 

Mrs McLernon-Evans has worked hard finding online Masses, Liturgies and other events. Find them with this link. 


In Year 4 we have learnt all about numbers up to 30 and then multiples of 10 to 100. Also, we have learnt the parts of the body. Here they are as a reminder.

Numbers    Body Parts

Use them to play a game of French Bingo with a member of your family. 


Use any resources you have at home to recreate our classroom. Remember to include your amazing teacher and all of your friends in your picture/collage/masterpiece!


Write new lyrics to a popular nursery rhyme. I look forward to hearing them!

If you have any particular questions, Mrs Pritchard would be happy to receive them using this email address:  Laura.Pritchard@stoke.gov.uk


Here are a list of websites with games based on computer science and digital literacy. 



See what new skills you can learn.