Hi Year 3!

Sadly, we have had to go into lockdown again.

I do hope you and you family are all safe and well at home. 


Please find below work that you can be getting on with while you are at home.

If you need any help or support, please send me a message on ClassDojo or ask your parents to send me an email. 

I am missing your smiling faces and I am looking forward to when we can all be back in school safely. 

 Please click here to find a weekly remote learning timetable for Year 3


Class Dojo

Your child has been accessing our class dojo page throughout the year so far. Please continue to use this resource. There will now be daily updates for you to work through.  



White Rose Maths 

 Please find below the videos to help support your child’s learning.


The worksheets for each lesson can be found on ClassDojo and I will mark these just like I would in class. 


 Please continue to practise your times tables every day.  

Other maths websites






Look on ClassDojo for you daily English lessons.

Use Purple Mash for your daily Guided Reading sessions

Oak National Academy

 Please click here for the link to the Oak National Academy English work for Year 3.  

Read Theory 

 Please ensure you are reading every day. You can continue to fill in your school diary and send a picture on your class dojo portfolio. Here is a reminder of the Read Theory website.   



The website below provides a different picture every day which you can base a piece of writing on.

You may be a character in the picture who writes a diary or letter.

Remember to use all of our Yr 3 Key Writing Skills.


This website is a little like Pobble but as well as offering great

writing opportunities it suggests some different reading activities as well. 


 Author Challenges

Here is a link to a series of challenges given to you by real authors!

They share some of their work and then ask you to complete a challenge based on their stories.

Can find an author you already know?


 Other websites for English









Look on the Catholic Life page for prayer and liturgy ideas that you can do at home along with other RE resources


Write prayers of your choice  

Show an act of kindness each day 

Romero Cross activity

Remember to say your prayers daily



Click on the link below for Dr. Chip's daily dose of Science, Engineering and Computing. 

If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel  


Let’s Go Live Science with Maddie Moate and Greg Foot 

Talking about Science and Nature with a theme each week.

If you miss this you can watch the videos later on the YouTube channel.




Other activities please check out Class dojo and Purple Mash.




Please click on the link below to take a look at some volcano paintings you could recreate at home


For other activities please check out Class Dojo and Purple Mash.




Musical story

Note naming - beginner level plus

Which beat?


If you have any particular questions, Mrs Pritchard would be happy to receive them using

this email address: Laura.Pritchard@stoke.gov.uk









Click here to find a power point about 'What is Covid 19?'

What are your worries and how can you cope?

For other activities please check out Class Dojo and Purple Mash.


*Other events/activities


The 'I can do this' Challenge

50 fun ideas for you & your family.
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